smartmap is an R package for previewing spatial data as leaflet maps. It is designed for interactive use and produces nice maps with minimal typing required. In contrast to other similar packages, smartmap does not require an sf
or sp
object as input, but just works with normal data.frames
or matrices
that have longitude and latitude columns. See the package homepage for more infos.
You can install smartmap from CRAN:
or get the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("remotes")
# coordinate pairs without names are interpreted as longitude/latitude
smap(c(16.422524, 48.185686))
# if you supply column names, smap uses those to identify the correct columns
smap(c(LAT = 48.185686, LoNgItuDE = 16.422524))
# when supplied with an url or file system path, smap tries its best to discover
# supported spatial datasets
# You can call smap() on existing leaflet objects to add background tiles and
# a ruler for measuring distance
lf <- leaflet::leaflet() %>%
leaflet::addCircleMarkers(lng = 16.422524, lat = 48.185686)