qop package


qop.constants module

This module defines global constants and enums. The numeric values of the integer enums are used to represent the respective value when serializing qop objects into a TaskQueue sqlite3 database.

class qop.constants.ConverterType(value)

Bases: IntEnum

Types of converters. Corresponds to the subclasses of Converter.

COPY = 0
class qop.constants.Command(value)

Bases: IntEnum

Commands codes that can be sent to the QopDaemon via a CommandMessage. See QopClient for usage examples.

class qop.constants.PayloadClass(value)

Bases: IntEnum

Types of payloads that can be part of a CommandMessage or a StatusMessage.

TASK = 2
class qop.constants.Status(value)

Bases: IntEnum

Status codes are used by

  • TaskQueue to represent the status of a task in the queue, and

  • StatusMessage to indicate whether a command sent to the server was successful or not

FAIL = -1
OK = 1
SKIP = 2
class qop.constants.TaskType(value)

Bases: IntEnum

Types of tasks. Corresponds to the subclasses of Task.

ECHO = 1
FILE = 2
COPY = 4
MOVE = 5
FAIL = 7

qop.converters module

Converters are used by ConvertTask and SimpleConvertTask to transcode audiofiles

class qop.converters.Converter

Bases: object

Abstract base class for Converters

remove_art = False
to_dict() Dict
static from_dict(x: Dict) Converter

Create a Converter object from python dict that contains the necessary keys

static from_json(s: str) Converter

Deserialize a Converter from JSON

start(src: Path | str, dst: Path | str)
class qop.converters.CopyConverter(remove_art: bool = False)

Bases: Converter

Converter that copies a file without transcoding (but may modify the files tags!)

start(src: Path | str, dst: Path | str)
to_dict() Dict
class qop.converters.PydubConverter(remove_art: bool = False, format: str = 'mp3', codec: str | None = None, bitrate: str | None = None, parameters: List[str] | Tuple[str] | None = ('-q:a', '0'), tags: str | None = None, id3v2_version='4')

Bases: CopyConverter

Convert audio files using pydub. See pydub.AudioSegment.export() (link) for more details on the meaning of the parameters. Defaults to mp3 via lame with V0 quality (best possible VBR quality).


remove_art Remove all album art (image) tags during conversion


parameters named arguments passed on to pydub.AudioSegment.export() (and from there to ffmpeg) when starting the conversion.

property ext: str
start(src: Path | str, dst: Path | str) None
to_dict() Dict

qop.daemon module

This module defines classes for the daemon and the client that the command line programs provided by qop are based on.

  • The client sends CommandMessages via TCP to the daemon to enqueue new tasks, tell it to start/stop processing the queue, query information, etc… .

  • The daemon manages a single TaskQueue that stores and processes Tasks. For every command it receives, it responds with a StatusMessage that contains the status of the operation (ok, fail, skip) as well as an optional JSON payload.

Communication diagram:

+-------------+                        +-------------+   +-------------+
|             | ---[CommandMessage]--> |             |   |             |
|  QopClient  |                        |  QopDaemon  |---|  TaskQueue  |
|             | <--[StatusMessage]---- |             |   |             |
+-------------+                        +-------------+   +-------------+
class qop.daemon.QopDaemon(port: int = 9393, queue_path: Path | str = PosixPath('/tmp/qop-temp.sqlite3'), persist_queue: bool = False)

Bases: object

stats = None
queue = None
port = None
static handle_request(req)
new_queue(path: Path)
facts() Dict
class qop.daemon.QopClient(ip: str = '', port: int = 9393)

Bases: object

A simple client for interacting with QopDaemon. Usage example:

tsk = tasks.EchoTask("foo")
client = daemon.QopClient()
client.send_command(Command.QUEUE_PUT, payload=tsk)
gather_facts(max_tries=10) Dict
get_queue_progress(max_tries=10) QueueProgress
is_daemon_active() bool
property max_processes: list
property active_tasks: list
property active_processes: int
is_queue_active() int
send_command(command: Command, payload: None | Dict | Task | list = None) Dict
class qop.daemon.Message(body: Dict, extra_headers: Dict | None = None)

Bases: object

Container for messages sent between QopDaemon and QopClient.

encode() bytes
static from_bytes(x: bytes) Message
class qop.daemon.StatusMessage(status: int, msg: str | None = None, payload=None, payload_class=None)

Bases: Message

Class responses sent by QopDaemon to QopClient.

class qop.daemon.CommandMessage(command: Command, payload=None, payload_class=None)

Bases: Message

Class for commands sent by QopClient to QopDaemon.

qop.exceptions module


exception qop.exceptions.AlreadyUnderEvaluationError

Bases: Exception

This Task is already being processed by a different worker

exception qop.exceptions.FileExistsAndShouldBeSkippedError

Bases: Exception

exception qop.exceptions.FileExistsAndIsIdenticalError

Bases: FileExistsAndShouldBeSkippedError

exception qop.exceptions.FileExistsAndCannotBeComparedError

Bases: FileExistsAndShouldBeSkippedError

qop.scanners module

Used by qop.py to traverse the directory tree when looking for files to transfer

class qop.scanners.Scanner

Bases: object

scan(root: Path | str) Generator[Path, None, None]
class qop.scanners.PassScanner

Bases: Scanner

scan(root: Path | str) Generator[Path, None, None]
class qop.scanners.ExcludeScanner(exts: list)

Bases: Scanner

scan(root: Path | str) Generator[Path, None, None]
class qop.scanners.IncludeScanner(exts: list)

Bases: Scanner

scan(root: Path | str) Generator[Path, None, None]

qop.tasks module

This module defines classes for working with Tasks. A task is an atomic operation - such as copying, moving or transcoding a file - that can be stored and executed at a later date (and usually only once).

TaskQueue is a persistent (via sqlite3), prioritized queue with multiprocessing support that can store and execute an arbitrary number of tasks.

class qop.tasks.TaskQueue(path: Path | str, max_transfer_processes=1, max_convert_processes=3)

Bases: object

CONVERT_CACHE_DIR = Path(appdirs.user_cache_dir(“qop”)).joinpath(“convert_temp”) A persistent, prioritized queue with multi process support. Use sqlite3 as a storage backend.

  • transfer_processes – A list of file transfer processes

  • convert_processes – A list of audio transcode processes

transfer_processes = []
convert_processes = []
put(task: Task, priority: int = 10, parent: int | None = None) None

Enqueue a Task

  • task – Task to be added to the queue

  • priority – (optional) priority for executing task (tasks with lower priority will be executed earlier)

  • parent – (optional) only for child tasks, oid/_ROWID_ of the task that spawned this task

pop(task_type_include: TaskType | None = None, task_type_exclude: TaskType | None = None) Task

Retrieves a Task and sets its status in the queue to Status.ACTIVE


AlreadyUnderEvaluationError – If trying to pop a tasks that is already being processed (i.e. if a race condition occurs if the queue is processed in parallel)

peek() Task

Retrieves a Task without changing its status in the queue

print(status: Tuple | int | None = None, n: int = 10) None

Print an overview of the queue

  • n – number of tasks to fetch

  • status – If not None, only fetch Tasks of the given status(es)

fetch(status: Tuple | int | Status | None = None, n: int | None = None) List

Retrieve the queue

  • n – number of tasks to fetch

  • status – If not None, only fetch Tasks of the given status(es)

:return a dict containing n queued tasks

reset_active_tasks() None

Reset all active tasks to Status.PENDING

set_status(oid: int, status: Status, lock: str | None = None) None

Set the Status of the queued task with _ROWID_ oid

  • oid – _ROWID_ of the task to mark

  • statusStatus to set

  • lock – Unique ID for locking queued tasks. The lock value can be querried by the executing task to verify that it is the only tasks that attempts to run this specific task. Must be None except for switching tasks to active.

start(ip=None, port=None) None

Execute all pending tasks

stop() None
flush(status: Status | int | None = None) None

empty the queue

facts() Dict
is_active() bool
property n_total: int

Count of all tasks in queue (including failed and completed)

property n_pending: int

Number of pending tasks

property n_active: int

Count of currently active tasks

property n_ok: int

count of completed tasks

property n_fail: int

count of completed tasks

progress(include_children: bool = False) QueueProgress
class qop.tasks.Task

Bases: object

Abstract class for qop Tasks. Should not be instantiated directly.

oid = None
parent_oid = None
start() None

Run a task

static from_dict(x: Dict) Task

Create a Task of the appropriate subclass from a python dict

to_dict() Dict
class qop.tasks.EchoTask(msg: str)

Bases: Task

Log a message

start() None

Run a task

class qop.tasks.SleepTask(seconds: float)

Bases: Task

Log a message

start() None

Run a task

class qop.tasks.FailTask

Bases: Task

Log a message

start() None

Run a task

class qop.tasks.FileTask(src: Path | str)

Bases: Task

Abstract class for all file-based tasks

start() None

Run a task

class qop.tasks.DeleteTask(src: Path | str, validate: bool = True)

Bases: FileTask

Delete a file

start() None

Run a task

class qop.tasks.CopyTask(src: Path | str, dst: Path | str)

Bases: FileTask

Copy a file

color_repr(color=True) str
start() None

Run a task

class qop.tasks.MoveTask(src: Path | str, dst: Path | str, parent_oid=None)

Bases: CopyTask

Move a file

start() None

Run a task

color_repr(color=True) str
class qop.tasks.SimpleConvertTask(src: Path | str, dst: Path | str, converter: Converter)

Bases: CopyTask

convert an audio file

start() None

Run a task

color_repr(color=True) str
to_dict() Dict
class qop.tasks.ConvertTask(src: Path | str, dst: Path | str, converter: Converter, tempdir=PosixPath('/home/runner/.cache/qop/convert_temp'))

Bases: SimpleConvertTask

ConvertTask transcodes an audio file to a temporary directory and then adds a move task to the queue. This makes it possible to cleanly separate transcode and transfer processes.

start() None

Run a task

spawn() MoveTask

Spawns a follow-up task. If a task has a spawn() method, TaskQueue calls it internally after fetching the original Task. The follow-up task is then enqueued with maximum priority. If this newly spawned task fails, the parent task will also be considered failed.

color_repr(color=True) str
to_dict() Dict
class qop.tasks.TaskQueueElement(task: Task, priority: 1)

Bases: object

An enqueued Task

status = None

Status of the queued Task

task = None

A Task

priority = None

Priority of the queued Task

class qop.tasks.QueueProgress(pending: int, ok: int, skip: int, fail: int, active: int)

Bases: object

Info on the current status of the Queue

property total
static from_dict(x: Dict) QueueProgress
static from_list(x: List) QueueProgress

Convert a list (for example as returned by an SQL SELECT statement) to a QueueProgress object

to_dict() Dict
qop.tasks.hammer_commit(con, max_tries=10)
exception qop.tasks.UnknownTaskTypeError

Bases: ValueError